Multilizer has released a new, award-winning technology for estimating machine translation quality in everyday life. MT-Qualifier both produces better machine translation and estimates the translation quality which makes qualified machine translation widely available.

Multilizer has developed a new technology called MT-Qualifier. MT-Qualifier improves machine translation quality by selecting the best available automatic translation and by estimating the quality.

“The goal of this new innovation is to improve and make machine translation more useful in real-life situations,” says Niko Papula, CEO of Multilizer and localization technology expert, and continues: “Unreliability has been the main problem with automatic translation. The trust issues have prevented the wide use of machine translation. MT-Qualifier is the solution for these problems.”

MT-Qualifier estimates machine translation quality in real-time. Based on these estimates MT-Qualifier gives scores to the automatic translations sentence by sentence producing the best available machine translation to the entire text. The quality score helps the user to indicate how good the automatic translation really is and to determine whether there is a need for post-editing.

Recently, MT-Qualifier won the LT-Innovate Award 2012, given by the European forum for Language Technology Industry. This award proves the MT-Qualifier’s innovative approach to solve limitations of machine translation and global communication.

MT-Qualifier is now available as an API with easy integration. MT-Qualifier produces trustworthy and selected translations with measured quality and is a real alternative for services producing unprocessed, raw machine translation.

Read more about machine translation quality and find instructions about the API on MT-Qualifier site: