The support for localizing Rave Report files is included in Multilizer’s RaveScanner -plug-in. The scanner plug-in reads Rave Report files (*.rav) and extracts the translatable texts from them. Once the translation is finished, RaveScanner plug-in allows the creation of localized files.

Reporting can be one of the most complex, yet most important tasks for anyone dealing with a database; thus the process of localizing existing Rave Report files with Multilizer, instead of remaking them from scratch, constitutes a remarkable benefit for the users.

The localization process is highly configurable in order to meet the customers’ needs. For making a general idea, notice that a Rave Report file contains one or more reports, each of the reports contains one or more pages, and each of the pages contains components with localizable texts. As each component may have several text items of different types Multilizer allows the user to configure for each component type the types of text items that are going to be localized.