Multilizer Plug-ins

Extend your localization possibilities with more than 50 plug-ins

The capabilities of Multilizer localization and translations tools can be expanded with additional plug-ins. Plug-ins are separate software modules that integrate seamlessly with Multilizer applications.

Scanner plug-ins provide users with additional localization format support

Importer plug-ins add support for importing translations from 3rd-party formats

Exporter plug-ins add support for exporting project data (translations) to other formats

Scanner Plug-ins

Scanner plug-ins expand Multilizer for additional file format support. Multilizer plug-ins follow the following rules:

  • The localizable content is separated from rest of the content to avoid unintended corruption of the files. For example, Multilizer protects the tags in XML documents and allows the localization of text only.
  • Support for existing localization standards. For example, .NET scanner localizes .resx files and respects the .NET naming convention and localization architecture.
  • The localized file has an identical structure and format as the original file. For example, if a PDF document is localized, the output is in PDF format.

Below you can see the availability of the scanner plug-ins for the different Multilizer products.

Name and targetLimited Pro for Documents Pro for Software Enterprise Premium Package
Android Source Scanner – Android applications (strings.xml files) BuyBuy
CHM Scanner – Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (chm) files BuyBuyBuyBuy
CustomText Scanner – Text files with any format BuyBuy
DataBase Scanner – Direct access to databases BuyBuyBuyBuy
Dita Scanner – Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) format BuyBuyBuyBuy
DocxScanner – .docx documents BuyBuy
DotNet Assembly Scanner – DotNet 1.1-4.6 assemblies (exe, dll, etc. files) BuyBuy
DotNet Scanner – Visual Studio projects and .resx files BuyBuy
Excel Scanner – Microsoft xls spreadsheets BuyBuy
FireMonkey Scanner – FireMonkey resource filesBuyBuyBuy
Flash Scanner – Adobe Flash files (.swf files) BuyBuyBuyBuy
Ham Scanner– Help and Manual XML Projects and .hmxp files BuyBuyBuy
Html Scanner– html documents BuyBuy
Java Scanner – .java, .properties, and .jar files BuyBuyBuyBuy
MSI Scanner – Microsoft Installer .msi files BuyBuyBuyBuy
MSXML Scanner – XML files where data is structured (i.e. a mixture of subtags and text) BuyBuyBuy
OpenOffice Scanner – OpenOffice Text, Drawing, and Presentation documents BuyBuy
PDF Scanner – Portable Document Format (.pdf) files BuyBuy
Po Scanner – Portable Object (.po) files, also known as catalogsBuyBuyBuyBuy
PPT Scanner – PowerPoint presentations (.ppt) BuyBuy
Rave Scanner – Rave Reports reports BuyBuyBuyBuy
RoboHelp Scanner – Robohelp 6, 7, 8, and 9 projects BuyBuyBuyBuy
Source Scanner – Source code formats, such as Microsoft SQL, Visual Basic Source Code (.bas), Java, Python, and Pascal BuyBuyBuy
VB Scanner – Visual Basic (32bit) 4, 5, and 6 binaries BuyBuyBuyBuy
VCL Scanner – Executables developed with Delphi/C++Builder BuyBuy
VCL Project Scanner – Embarcadero SDK source files BuyBuyBuy
Visio Scanner – Microsoft Visio drawings (.vdx format) BuyBuyBuyBuy
Windows Binary Scanner – localizes standard Windows 32 and 64 bit applications and other resources – Portable Executable (PE) format) BuyBuy
Windows Resource Scanner – Windows Resource Script files BuyBuyBuyBuy
XAP Scanner – Microsoft Silverlight .xap files BuyBuyBuyBuy
XLF Scanner – XLIFF (XML Localisation Interchange File Format) files BuyBuyBuyBuy
XML Scanner – all XML files BuyBuy
XMLAttribute Scanner – XML with texts in attributes only BuyBuyBuy
XMLHyperText Scanner – localizes complex XML, such as XHMTL BuyBuyBuyBuy
XPS Scanner – XML Paper Specification (XPS) files BuyBuyBuyBuy



When you need to perform one-way import operations from different data sources, Multilizer importers are right tools for you. You can benefit from different translation memories or automatic translation services.

Limited Pro for Documents Pro for Software Enterprise Premium Package
Align Importer – Text files by matching the texts with identical IDs BuyBuyBuyBuy
Atlas Importer – Import from ATLAS Transformation software BuyBuyBuyBuy
BTR Importer – Borland Translation Repository and industry standard TBX files BuyBuyBuyBuy
CSV Importer – Microsoft Glossary files (CSV format) BuyBuyBuyBuy
Edict Importer – Edict files BuyBuyBuyBuy
Excel Importer – Excel spreadsheets (.xls) BuyBuyBuyBuy
Microsoft Translator Importer Buy
MsTerminology Importer – Microsoft Terminology file, which is available for free download from Microsoft Buy
M7P Importer – Multilizer project files BuyBuyBuy
MLD Importer – MLD (Multilizer Binary Dictionary) files BuyBuyBuyBuy
MPR Importer – Multilizer 5 and 6 project files Buy
MTQ Importer – Qualified Machine Translations. A MTQ license is needed. Buy
MyMemory Importer – MyMemory translations BuyBuyBuyBuy
PowerTranslator Importer – Power Translator files BuyBuyBuyBuy
TBX Importer – Termbase Exchange (.tbx) files BuyBuyBuyBuy
Text Importer – Any text files. Can be configured. BuyBuy
TMX Importer – TMX files Buy
Trados Importer – Trados Translation Memory files (.tmw). A personal Trados license is required. BuyBuyBuyBuy
XLIFFF Importer – XLIFF files (XML Localization Interchange File Format) BuyBuyBuy



Exporter plug-ins are available when you need to exchange data to a standard format or work with other propriety tools, which can use the exported data.

Limited Pro for Documents Pro for Software Enterprise Premium Package
BTR Exporter – Borland Translation Repository and industry standard TBX files BuyBuyBuyBuy
Excel Exporter – Excel spreadsheets (.xls) BuyBuyBuyBuy
TBX Exporter – Termbase Exchange (.tbx) files BuyBuyBuyBuy
Text Exporter – Any text files. Can be configured. BuyBuyBuyBuy
TMX Exporter – TMX files BuyBuyBuy
XLIFFF Exporter – XLIFF files (XML Localization Interchange File Format) BuyBuyBuy


Annotation: = included Buy= available as an addition plug-in

Questions?If you have any questions or suggestions, just contact us.